Vary technology held the 2021 year-end summary and commendation meeting

Published on:2022-01-28

On January 27, 2022, the 2021 year-end summary, commendation and award conference of "unlimited dreams and boundless Vary" Vary Tech was successfully held in Changsha, Hunan. Representatives of the headquarters and subsidiaries gathered together to review the company's business development in 2021, deploy the work plan for 2022 and welcome the new year.

The summary meeting was presided over by Luo Ping, deputy general manager and director of human resources. The meeting kicked off when Zhang Jinbo, chief financial officer of the headquarters, informed the completion of the company's 2021 annual objectives. He Mingquan, the person in charge of Hunan VARY solid waste in the renewable resources business section, Xu Zhiya, the person in charge of Miluo base, Che Tao, the person in charge of the equipment and system service division of the headquarters, and Ming Cong, the person in charge of the investment development center, made summary reports on their respective sections and made relevant arrangements for 2022.

In the view of Ming Guoying, the chairman of the board of directors, VARY technology can use the poem "the sword edge comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum flowers comes from bitter cold" in 2021. In 2009, the company inspected the pyrolysis technology and explored for more than 10 years. In 2021, the "pyrolysis" is the sword of the sword. It has steadily realized the market expansion of the technology in the fields of oil sludge, waste tires, domestic waste RDF, sludge, waste packaging containers / materials and so on, which is worthy of everyone's pride. However, as a new equipment and new market application, customers have higher expectations. We hope that the company will unite as one to provide more specialized, refined and comprehensive system solutions, which can not only summarize the generality and principle of the existing application fields of aerobic pyrolysis technology, but also innovate the application to realize the wide application of technology in more fields, give full play to the role of pyrolysis equipment as a carbon fixing artifact under the goal of double carbon, and improve the advantages of core technology as soon as possible, Create more value for customers. The company's urban mineral development, renewable resource utilization and RDF application of domestic waste have tasted the sweetness and smelled the fragrance of flowers through bitter cold. All members of Xinmi project braved hardships and worked hard, and finally realized the collaborative application of domestic waste RDF and cement kiln, taking the road of energy conversion as a solid step in the practice of carbon neutralization. In the next few years, the national economic situation is not optimistic. 2022 "is already a hundred feet of ice on the cliff, and there are still beautiful flowers." The company will continue to unswervingly achieve the goal of resource utilization of solid waste, give full play to the three core technologies of physical cycle crushing and sorting technology, chemical cycle anaerobic pyrolysis, biological cycle aerobic decomposition and MBT, and help the construction of domestic circular economy system.

In 2021, VARY people will never forget their original intention, work hard and practice tirelessly. The company commended the excellent employees and team representatives who made great efforts to innovate, work hard, be down-to-earth and work hard. The commendation and awarding meeting was presided over by Chen Baozhu, human resources manager, and Zhou quanguang, chief engineer of equipment technology department.

19 people from VARY technology headquarters and its subsidiaries, such as He Wei and Xiao finance, were selected as "excellent newcomers of the year", and 31 people such as Jiang Haifeng and Liu Dingwei were selected as "excellent employees of the year"; The signing team of Chuanghua project (including marketing and technical team) and the project team of Miluo plastics continuous crushing and washing production line won the "excellent project award"; The equipment technology and process team, the batch furnace flue gas seal improvement team of the equipment technology department, and the city mine & pretreatment refrigerator line technical team won the "Major Quality Improvement Award"; Hunan VARY solid waste management team won the "excellent team award"; Xinmi VARY core management team and Wanning, deputy general manager of VARY technology, won the "Chairman special award". Their red awards, red smiling faces and red envelopes... Their dedication and pursuit of excellence are deeply rooted in the hearts of VARY people, leaving monuments and endless fragrance.

The awarding link is interspersed with a happy moment, and the red envelope wall interactive lucky draw. "Classical Rouge through the ages", "the invention of Mr. Alexander", "professional and technical physiotherapy tools handed down in the prosperous Tang Dynasty", "delicacy on the tip of the tongue", "experience the dream of German scientist Eugen Bayer", "express your love on site", "broken silver", "group photo with the chairman", "song"... Unique interactive lottery, full of joy, happiness and gratitude, Performing the unique brilliance of VARY people.

Affected by the epidemic, the company responded to the call of the government and the group and did not organize dinner, annual meeting and other activities. In 2022, VARY people will use down-to-earth spirit, high morale and sufficient energy to actively promote the implementation of various work closely around the company's objectives, fully grasp the results, and strive to create a new situation of the company's transformation and development. 2022, let's fight together!

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